Evaportive Light Scattering Detector Experts
Most experienced ELSD support company in the US.
Ticoscen was founded in 1994 as the first science company to support the emerging but specialized ELSD technology platforms. Our heuristic knowledge along with our engineering and design back ground provides far more in depth understanding of ELSD issues. Our loyal ELSD customer base recognize this fact. This also gives TICOSCEN the edge over other "do it all" service providers. TICOSCEN has been the recognized masters in the art of ELSD calibration, tuning and maintenance for quite some time. While there are plenty of HPLC service providers to choose from, Ticoscen stands out as the go to company to solve our clients most difficult ELSD performance issues. Our proactive (REAL) preventative maintenance programs are designed to keep your systems performing trouble free. We'll fix them before they break. ZEN and the Art of ELSD maintenance, we call it.
Our services
Expert ELSD consulting for methods development , QC, R&D , installation and optimization of your detectors performance. "THE ELSD TUNERS".
ELSD Detector training videos
Check out our YOUTUBE channel on ELSD. Lots of training, trouble shooting and support videos available at no charge.
ELSD Institute
Post Covid causing you to have high lab employee turnover and need help with on boarding new employees with ELSD orientation? Try utilizing our ELSD institute to save on trainer time..
QC, R&D and methods development
Large contract clients require quarterly, tri annual, biannual or once a year PM and PQs. We are flexible and do REAL PM's with full detailed reports on the FSRs.
Our solutions
ELSDs are mission critical technnology for many non chromaphoric applications.
Optimize your ELSD setup
Ticoscen will fine tune your ELSDs perfomance. Electronic calibration, split flows and aerosols optimized.
ELSD is all about MIE!
Automate your ELSDs operations.
Remote off, autozero and cleaning capabilities are available.
Improve performance
Like a fuel injector, your nebulizers need to be kept clean and evaluated for back pressure is several skilled manners. We can fix, tune and optimize your nebulizers.
Low Temperature Is Ideal
ELSDs "LT" stands for : "low temperature". Water will evaporate at 36 C. Thermally labile samples can have much higher resonse by being better protected from heat.
Our heuristic knowledge and field expertise will save your company on down time and money.
Onsite services
A la carte service, depot services, FDA compliance, IQ/OQ/PQ, (REAL) PMs, and user training.
US Government
Approved supplier in SAM CAGE WAWF PIEE vendor. US Army, Navy, NSA (no, not that NSA...Naval Support Activity), NIH, CDC USDA to name a few.
Multiple Risk Management Cloud aprovals.
ISNetworld, GRMS, Highwire evaluated and approved service provider.
ELSD Expertise Providers to Site Managment Partners
Thermo, Agilent, GE, Renovo, CBRE, P.E., ORTUS, and others.
We have direct ELSD contracts with large pharmaceutical companies too.
YOUTUBE ELSD training videos and our ELSD Institute.
Case study
ELSDs are mission critical tools for raw materials, QC, stablity and supplier validation testing. We keep your ELSD healthy.
Many success stories.
Quanta Biodesigns, Johnson and Johnson, BMS, Moderna, AZ and many many other companies.
Ticoscen has large company contracts all over the US. We have resolved major ELSD issues caused by prior service providers not trained or as familiar with ELSDs as we are.
Success story
Customer testimonials
- Ohio, Plain City Tim has serviced my company's evaporative light scattering detectors for well over 10 years now. In that time, he has provided valuable assistance in keeping our dated equipment running at top performance, has helped us acquire more up to date equipment and has worked with us to improve detector sensitivity. He has done this always at a reasonable price with unfailingly excellent customer service. For servicing ELSDs, I highly recommend Tim Reyburn and his company Ticoscen Inc.
Robert Woodman, PHD, Senior Scientist & QC Manager at Quanta BioDesign, Ltd.
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John Smith - CTO - Hotoh
- «Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Tellus fringilla sed eget ut ipsum mauris. In ut massa aliquet mauris quam viverra pellentesque. Lectus lectus non ante at mi vitae hendrerit. Sed sit in viverra pellentesque volutpat nulla scelisque in viverra.»
Robert Brown - CTO - Partner